[other writing]
OF TYRANT was featured in Pipe Dream (Binghamton University’s newspaper)
Interview with Poets House: “On Tyranny”
“Poet of the Week” Interview at Brooklyn Poets - July
Interview with Melissa Fite Johnson at Adroit Journal
Los Angeles Review—- Interview with Tiffany Troy on OF TYRANT
On James Tate at The Adroit Journal: A GOAT, THE HEART, AND THE WORLD AT LARGE
Poet’s Nightstand with Leah Umansky, at Poetry Society of America, May 2022.
“Writers’ Day Jobs,” an interview live at Cincinnati Review
Write a Golden Shovel “At Home” New York Times, March 28, 2021
Turn Articles into Poetry “At Home,” New York Times, November 29, 2020
Find Poetry in the Pages of a Newspaper, “At Home”, New York Times, June 7, 2020
Interview with Kristina Marie Darling at Tupelo Quarterly, including a folio of poems from The Barbarous Century.
Book Bites with Steph Post:
Meet the Press: Dante Di Stefano in Conversation with Todd Swift, Leah Umansky, and Faisal Mohyuddin at Best American Poetry
interview with Suze Bienaimee at StudioSeeds.com
with Photographer Sabrina Henry
with Joanna C. Valente for Luna Luna Magazine.
with G.G Andrews for Writers Who Read
with Lauren Cerand for the PEN TEN Interview at Pen America.
with Sarah Marcus at Grazing Grain
with Whitney Matheson at USA TODAY's Pop Candy
with Jen Doll at The Hairpin
self interview at The Nervous Breakdown
with Lisa Marie Basile, at Coldfront Magazine
featured in "Deconstructing the Poetry Goddess," Huffington Post by Jill Di Donato
with the New School Writing Blog
with Womens Quarterly in Conversation
with The Storialist
[Interviews by Leah]
Interview with Kathleen Ossip at Tin House
Interview with Chelsea Hodson at Luna Luna Magazine
Interview with Rachel Zucker at Tin House
Interview with Rachel McKibbens at Tin House
Interview with Ben Greenman at Tin House.
Interview with Victoria Redel at TheThePoetry
[Other Features]
The Millions reviews The Barbarous Century in their "March Must-Read Poetry" column.
A great mention on Dan Ryder's Blog for National Young Writers Month in Australia.
"Khaleesi Says" was featured as a NYTimes Poetry Pairing along with Maureen Dowd's "Mother of Dragons" on the NY Times Learning Network. (Jan 8, 2015)
Don Dreams and I Dream was featured in Time Out New York's "10 Chapbooks To Read Now" (Dec 11, 2014)
Joanna Walsh mentioned me in her #ReadWomen2014: The Next Generation online at The Guardian.
Danielle Chin, over at The Best American Poetry Blog, wrote about my reading with Poet, David Lehman at NYU's Lilian Vernon House. Scroll down in the post for a link to the podcast, too. (10/10/14)
Edward Brydon's photographic story series "Waiting for Don," was inspired by Don Dreams and I Dream.
I wrote a travel essay for my Don Dreams and I Dream Southern Tour at Luna Luna Magazine.
I did a self interview over at The Nervous Breakdown
I was one of 12 poets and reviewers on Ron Slate's On the Seawall discussing my favorite book of 2013: Into the Dark and Empyting FIeld by Rachel McKibbens
"Khaleesi Says," was featured on As It Ought To Be in the "Saturday Poetry Series."
Three of my Game of Thrones poems were featured in the January 2014 edition of Poetry Magazine where I also contributed to a "reading list,"
Interviews for BOMB Magazine's BOMBLOG
Interview with Andrew Sean Greer for his novel, The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells
Interview with Carole Maso for her novel, Mother and Child.
Poetry Book Reviews for The Rumpus
September 19, 2012 (Laura Cronk) Having Been an Accomplice"
May 12, 2012 (Dorothea Tanning) Mouse Field Was a Triumph
-February 15, 2012 (Carol Muske-Dukes) I was Naked Face
-September 14, 2011 (Tom Sleigh) Gnawed to Bone
[Additional Writing]
My discussion of sound and lyricism in my poetry at [Sound] Lit Magazine
May 2, 2013:"Where Writers Write" part of TNBBC
April 14, 2012 "Celebrities Share Beloved Poems During the Academy's Annual Poetry and the Creative Mind Gala" Best American Poetry Blog
March 5, 2012: "Loving Brit Pop Left Me Lonely" Holy Diver
[Guest Blogger for The Best American Poetry Blog from January 15-21, 2012.]
I also had a column with poet, Rebecca Melnyk called: "Two Poets, One Party" Magazine's BOMBLOG from 2011- 2012